Living Word Lutheran Church
Living Word Lutheran Church
"Your sins are forgiven , for Jesus' sake!"
"Your sins are forgiven , for Jesus' sake!"
Weekly Sunday Service:
2609 West Broadway Avenue
(between Harvest Foods and Larson ball fields)
Sundays at 9:00 AM
Come worship in person on Sunday mornings at 9 AM,
or, if sick, out of town, or otherwise unable to attend an in-person service,
the Facebook LIVE and sermon audio recordings can be found here:
Listen to or download Audio Sermon Podcasts
Worship online or watch recorded Facebook LIVE Sermon Videos
<< Please contact Pastor Lou if you have a ministry need or require a personal visit for any reason. >>

We seek to bring glory to God by devoting ourselves to truthful teaching, sincere fellowship, meaningful worship, earnest prayer, and regular Bible study, so that we are ready to share the Gospel message -- that it is only by God’s grace, by faith through Jesus Christ, that we sinners receive forgiveness -- with those we meet along the way.
(Acts 2:42, Ephesians 2:8)

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