Living Word Lutheran Church
Living Word Lutheran Church
"Your sins are forgiven , for Jesus' sake!"
"Your sins are forgiven , for Jesus' sake!"
Coming Events:
Coming Events:
Weekly Class Schedule:
Tuesdays: Ladies' study, 9:30 - 11:00 AM (at the church)
Wednesdays: Bible Study, 2:00 - 3:30 PM, in the fellowship hall (catechism review, Free to Be)
Thursdays: Table Talk, 5:00 - 7:00 PM, drop in/out any time
for questions you may have, current event discussion topics, etc.
Mission Sharing
Sunday, December 8, 2024, during fellowship time after the service
Brenna Moss will be with us to speak of her work with Youth With A Mission (YWAM)
in Kona, Hawaii (finished) and soon to be Paris, France.
Christmas Joy
Sunday, December 15, during the 9 AM service
Rachal P. will direct the younger children in a nativity skit.
Christmas Eve Service
Tuesday, December 24, 2024, 7:00 PM
Traditional hymns, scripture readings, and Silent Night by candle light.
** Here are links to:
Listen to or download recent Sermon Podcasts (audio only)
Available for 90 days online.
Watch service videos recorded via Facebook LIVE
(You need not be a Facebook member to view these)
Online Resources
Online Resources
Sermons will be available online for 90 days, click here.
Facebook LIVE services at 9 AM Pacific Time; recordings available later on Sunday afternoon.
- Our weekly announcements and the lectionary readings for the week.
- Links to the Facebook LIVE video services and sermon blog posts.
- Pastor Lou's TRULY TRULY notes, and any other communication to the congregation that is deemed important enough to post here.
GREEK Language Study Resources
-- A list of resources for those who would like to understand the Biblical Greek.